Spring Gardening Tasks
Now's the time to get our gardens ready for the long-awaited days of sunlight and warmth. Summer will be here before we know it and the plants will suffer if we don't do our work now when the days are long and temperate, the nights cool, and the rainfall abundant. It's time to get out the trimmers, the lopers, the fork and spade, plus all the stamina we can muster!
The beginning of the garden year is an excellent time to evaluate what did and did not work in your garden design. As you work your way through the garden readying it for summer, review what garden changes delighted or depressed you last year.
Be Honest and Bold
Sometimes, we need to acknowledge that a design failed. Yes, it looked great on paper and our mind's eye thought it beautiful, but -- in reality, aka in the garden -- it was a flop. Some plants didn't thrive or they weren't good neighbors, or you realize that you consistently hurried past them, trying to ignore the fact that something was just plain wrong. Be honest. There's no point in rationalizing our mistakes. Be bold. Remove plants that are miserable, bullies, or that offend. They might do beautifully elsewhere -- perhaps in a self-contained area or in someone else's garden where they'll look smashing and thrive!
Divide, Replant, Remove
It's time to decide (and make notes about) what you want more of and what you want to eliminate. For example:
Refresh the Gardens
To prepare the gardens for the drier, hotter New England Summer:
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