Is Summer Really Over?
Where did the Summer go? What happened to the endless progression of long sunny days and warm nights in the garden?
The Northwest garden in early June
Late June
The songbirds -- who flew from feeder to birdbath to nest in a flurry of activity as they set up housekeeping in the trees, shrubs, and birdhouses -- are preparing to head South. And we -- who sat in the sun watching our gardens grow lush as the days lengthened and the warmth encouraged the seedlings to grow, grow, grow -- are getting ready to put away the summer furniture.
Summer in New England passes too quickly. In what feels like the blink of an eye, it's September.
Early September
As I sit in my office, looking out at the gardens, I feel wistful. Autumn Asters are ready to pop, the Verbena Bonariensis is in full bloom, the Dahlias are going wild, the Sedum is turning its cherry pink. All true, but so many of the other late Summer perennials are on the wane. Although the days are still sunny and warm, we all know that the cold is on its way -- that the dreaded Winter will follow the gorgeous Fall. Deep cold will find us.
Verbena with Variegated Dogwood
Native Rudbeckia and Sedum
The last of the Sunflowers